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Sucessull price, market, and sell your property


Successfully Price, Market, and Sell Your Property

Marketing Your Property


As a seller, your challenges may include: knowing how to competitively price and present your property, being unfamiliar with current real estate processes and practices, and lack of access to real estate marketing tools.


With Eric’s extensive real estate marketing experience, he helps you get the price you want and deserve for your current property by:

  • providing up-to-date information on the current market price, including financing and terms, and helping you competitively and realistically price your property to sell

  • recommending repairs or cosmetic work that may help to sell your property

  • marketing to other real estate agents and the public via MLS, direct mail, and email campaigns

  • evaluating offers to purchase and final contract

  • objectively helping to resolve potential problems before closing

  • aiding with closing procedures, including the overwhelming amount of paperwork

  • guiding you through procedures for a smooth process and attending the final closing

How Can Eric Help?

Mardi G.

Eric has been my go to Realtor for the past 19 years. He has helped me buy three houses by paying attention to what I’m looking for and working well with other Realtors. When selling, he knew what I needed to do to get the house sold for the best price. He knows the market and is willing to go the extra mile to make it happen!

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